Canker Removal Now is Critical for Fire Blight Management this Year

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

No one wants fire blight in their orchard next year. For fire blight to take off in your orchard next year three things need to be there: the pathogen, the warm conditions and...

Woolly Apple Aphid

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Woolly apple aphid (WAA) has become more common over the past few years and is a quarantine threat for export to certain countries. WAA can be found feeding on the roots as well as occurring in the tree canopy where it can appear as a white cottony mass on pruning scars or shoots.

Campylomma Bug

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Campylomma can be a pest during the bloom period when it feeds on young developing fruit. However, it is a beneficial predaceous insect that is valuable in control of soft bodied insects (such as spider mites) throughout the rest of year. DAS predicts the phenology of Campylomma during the spring, but beating tray samples need to be taken before and during the spring bloom period to determine if Campylomma is present and whether treatment is necessary.

Fireblight Prediction and Management

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Many consider blight an apparently random curse, and part of the game a pome fruit grower must play. As outbreaks do not occur yearly, damage always seems to be somebody else's problem, until it suddenly appears in your orchard.

Delayed Dormant Sprays

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Dormant sprays are important for management of a wide range of pests including European red mite, woolly apple aphid, rosy and green apple aphids, and San Jose Scale. Most of these are easily controlled using a variety of materials, but if you are using oils, remember that good coverage is essential because they work by covering the egg stage and preventing respiration.