Oriental Fruit Moth

Oriental Fruit Moth Management in Washington Orchards

Friday Mar 01, 2024

While Oriental fruit moth (OFM) has been a concern for Washington stone fruit growers for decades, infestations of this pest have only been noted in organic apple orchards in the lower Yakima Valley over the past few years. In 2017, damage from this pest showed up with a vengeance in several Washington orchards, most notably in sweet cherry and organic apple orchards in and around the south-eastern edge of Yakima County. While significant losses were noted in organic apples, the economic impact of the damage identified in cherry is currently unclear.

Oriental Fruit Moth Monitoring Required for Export to Mexico or Canada

Friday Mar 01, 2024

All stone fruit packed for shipment to Mexico or British Columbia, Canada must be inspected and be certified as free of oriental fruit moth (OFM). OFM must be monitored with traps from first adult flight throughout the season.

How Does Codling Moth Mating Disruption Work?

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Mating disruption dispensers work by releasing synthetic pheromone which prevents or delays males from finding females, thus reducing the reproductive rate of the population. Now is the time to decide which dispensers to place in the orchard so you have enough time for ordering and to organize your work force.

Fireblight Prediction and Management

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Many consider blight an apparently random curse, and part of the game a pome fruit grower must play. As outbreaks do not occur yearly, damage always seems to be somebody else's problem, until it suddenly appears in your orchard.

Most Effective Strategies for Control of Obliquebanded Leafroller

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Timing is everything when it comes to effective pest management. Knowing when a pest is susceptible to which kind of pesticide is the key for successful control.