San Jose Scale Management

Monday Apr 01, 2024

San Jose scale is a relatively easy pest to control, but a dangerous one to leave uncontrolled. After a few years of infestation, limbs and even entire trees can be killed if heavily attacked, and high percentages of the fruit can be infested. Large trees are most often associated with scale problems, because of the suitable habitat they provide and the difficulty of obtaining good spray coverage. However, young trees can also develop a scale problem surprisingly quickly. San Jose scale is a pest that is easily prevented, but hard to control if the populations have built up too much.

Cherry Powdery Mildew Symptoms

Powdery Mildew of Cherry: Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines Spring 2019

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Cherry growers in the Pacific Northwest have multiple fungicides at their disposal for managing powdery mildew. Products in the powdery mildew “toolbox” include members of the DMI, QoI, SDHI, quinolone synthetic compounds and multiple “contact” fungicides from other classes (e.g. sulfur and narrow range petroleum oils). A more inclusive list of fungicides is presented in the table below. The table includes fungicide class information, Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) group number or code, and resistance risk.

Western Flower Thrips

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Western flower thrips feeding causes bloom distortion and poor fruit set. Egg-laying punctures create "pansy spot" on some cultivars. Adults can be sampled using either beating trays or blue sticky cards.

Weather Data Makes DAS Run

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Around-the-clock and accurate weather data are at the core of DAS. But when they are missing, DAS cannot make model predictions. While insect and plant development models are less prone to disruption, disease models cannot run without the necessary weather input.

Monitoring Adult Codling Moth

Friday Mar 15, 2024

Adult codling moth (CM) are monitored with traps baited with either CM pheromones or a mixture of pheromones and an attractant (Combo D/A lure). Pheromone traps should be placed in the upper 1/3 of th...