Fire Blight Model Turned Off June 21 – August 20

Saturday Jun 15, 2024

The Fire Blight (CougarBlight) model is a blossom infection model and intended for use during moderate temperatures (50-86°F) that usually occur during spring and early summer and when flowers are open. This blossom infection model attempts...

Monitoring Codling Moth Damage

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Monitoring codling moth at the end of each generation gives a good indication of the success of your management program and where in the orchard damage occurs. The sampling protocol for the Taiwan protocol can give you good accuracy and is simple to implement. Banding trees can serve as monitoring and control technique.

How Does Codling Moth Mating Disruption Work?

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Mating disruption dispensers work by releasing synthetic pheromone which prevents or delays males from finding females, thus reducing the reproductive rate of the population. Now is the time to decide which dispensers to place in the orchard so you have enough time for ordering and to organize your work force.

Spider Mite Control During the Summer

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

There are currently lots of options to control spider mites in orchards. However, preventing outbreaks by avoiding pesticides toxic to predatory mites and their alternative prey is always first choice. If uncontrolled, spider mites can go through a single generation in 7-10 days during summer and increase their numbers exponentially. Monitoring helps to follow spider mite population growth and to intervene when necessary.

Which Type of Apple Sunburn is in Your Orchard?

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Sunburn browning is the most prevalent type of sunburn, and is caused by high fruit surface temperatures (FST) and ultraviolet radiation. The FST required to induce sunburn browning varies by cultivar, but is in the range of 113 to 120 °F (45 to 49 °C).