Monitoring Codling Moth Damage

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Monitoring codling moth at the end of each generation gives a good indication of the success of your management program and where in the orchard damage occurs. The sampling protocol for the Taiwan protocol can give you good accuracy and is simple to implement. Banding trees can serve as monitoring and control technique.

Spider Mite Control During the Summer

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

There are currently lots of options to control spider mites in orchards. However, preventing outbreaks by avoiding pesticides toxic to predatory mites and their alternative prey is always first choice. If uncontrolled, spider mites can go through a single generation in 7-10 days during summer and increase their numbers exponentially. Monitoring helps to follow spider mite population growth and to intervene when necessary.

Sprayer calibration

Sprayer Calibration

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

While the WSU-DAS system focuses on using pest and disease phenology to properly time pesticide sprays, it is critical that the properly-timed sprays are applied correctly. Without proper coverage, sprays will not serve their intended purpose, and growers may waste material, labor, and money, without getting the anticipated control.

Which Type of Apple Sunburn is in Your Orchard?

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Sunburn browning is the most prevalent type of sunburn, and is caused by high fruit surface temperatures (FST) and ultraviolet radiation. The FST required to induce sunburn browning varies by cultivar, but is in the range of 113 to 120 °F (45 to 49 °C).

Monitoring Adult Codling Moth

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Adult codling moth (CM) are monitored with traps baited with either CM pheromones or a mixture of pheromones and an attractant (Combo D/A lure). Pheromone traps should be placed in the upper 1/3 of the tree canopy before first apple blossoms open or by 100 DD since January 1 whichever comes first. If you are not using mating disruption...