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Oriental Fruit Moth Monitoring Required for Export to Mexico or Canada

Friday Mar 01, 2024

OFM, native to China, was introduced to the US in 1913 from flowering cherry trees imported from Japan. Since then it is found in all fruit growing regions of the US, southern Canada and northern Mexico. It is also found throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. OFM larvae bore into shoots and feed in fruit making it a serious quarantine pest of stone fruit destined for markets such as Mexico or British Columbia, Canada that maintain OFM-free regions.

Each facility planning to ship fruit to those markets must have employees trained and certified annually by officials authorized by the US plant protection organization (USDA/APHIS/PPQ).

Each facility/grower must be registered with Northwest Horticultural Council by the start of the crop season.

British Columbia, Canada - Peaches, Nectarines & Apricots

Pest of Concern: Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM)

Field Control Procedures:

  • Trapping must begin prior to first adult flight of OFM (traps should be up around 125DD, first moth emergence should be at 175DD - DAS provides current DD accumulations).
  • Inspect and record trap catch minimum of once per week.
  • Trapping requirements reviewed with Canadian Food Inspection Agency yearly.
  • Sprays shall be applied and optimally timed with degree days.
  • Mating disruption is an option in lieu of or in combination with pesticide applications.
  • Trap monitoring, treatments and shoot/strike records must be submitted at time of harvest upon request of WSDA.

Mexico - Apricots

Pests of Concern: Oriental fruit moth (OFM), Plum curculio, Apple maggot and other temperate zone fruit flies, Peach twig borer (restricted to 5%).

Orchard Procedures:

  • Maps of orchards registered in the program are required.
  • Conventional and mating disruption orchards must trap at densities in agreement with work plan.

More Links

WSU-TFREC Cullage Assessment & Education Plan Oriental Fruit Moth in Stone Fruit